The 2016 Monument to Monument ride

It was about what I expected: cold riding and a steady light rain as I rode from Hampden down to the start of this year’s M2M. Not comfortable, but it could’ve been colder… and, wetter. When I got to the start no one was there. I envisioned riding to DC alone. Through the rain, John and Marcia rode up. Then Tom, Che, and Dan. PJ and Dave finally swung around the corner. Everyone looked well-prepared for the weather and the ride. As we rolled out down Cathedral st, Dan and Rod joined us. And, that was it: a small and dedicated group of ten. We would ride the entire 97 miles, staying almost entirely within sight of one another.

All of us rode strong and steady. I didn’t hear a single complaint about the weather. The roads were slick and we had two slips that were thankfully not serious. I wound up being the unlucky one to get a flat (through a kevlar belted tire no less). Every one waited patiently while I wrestled with a tire which hadn’t been off it’s rim in ages. The group calmly negotiated a closed section of Metropolitan Branch Trail due to a train derailment on Sunday. We quipped, we told stories, we rode quietly and we enjoyed each other’s company. Thanks all.


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Would I be riding alone?

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Marcia, Che and John at the start.

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Dave, riding strong on River rd.

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The group on beautiful Race rd.

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The distinctive mud stripe.

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Dan, along the Anacostia trail

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train derailment along the Met Branch Trail

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PJ, Dan, Rod and Marcia on 3rd st. approaching the DC monument.

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Smiles all around. Dan, Dan, PJ, Marcia, Che and Rod.

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Rod northbound on the NW Branch Trail

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After ride beers taste so good.

More pics of mine (click to enlarge):


Check out Dave’s blog post and pics here: Bikes n’Coffee
Couple of nice #bikem2m shots I found HERE


About randoramble

long distance bike rider
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9 Responses to The 2016 Monument to Monument ride

  1. Pingback: the M2M way-back machine pt3 | The Rando Ramble

  2. Tom says:

    Nobody told me about the after ride beer stop. I would have hung in for another mile or two. Beer quaffing is my specialty. The watering-hole was…?

    Bob et al. Thanks. I had a great time. Hope I didn’t scare anyone!

    BTW Bob…you are so kind. I had Little Richard’s “Slippin and slidin” dancing thru my head. John Lennon’s version. Naturally.


  3. Charlie says:

    Kudos riders, tough day and you rode strong. Love the pix of the single bike.

  4. tom j fedewa says:

    Sounds like a good one. Not high motivation to do it cause ride that route so much. Never thought possible till Bob showed me the way.

  5. Mike H says:

    I’m glad you guys made it safely. My apologies for being a slouch.

  6. Pingback: Monument to Monument 2k16 | bikesncoffee

  7. Nigel says:

    I agree with the others…another M2M is warranted!

  8. Israel says:

    This is such an awesome ride. Sorry I missed it. Since it rained, any chance you’d do another M2M again this year?

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